Principal's Message

Hello to all students, parents, and guardians!

I am very happy to be freturning as principal at Hilden Elementary School! I am looking forward to a year full of learning and growing, and I am very much looking forward to getting to know our new HES staff and students! Our goal at the CCRCE is to make the experience of education a meaningful and rewarding one for all members of our school community. By building on children's strengths in a caring and dynamic learning environment, we can make your child's experience at school a positive and rewarding one. 

This year's schedule will once again be based on an 8 day cycle. Students will have Physical Education on days 2, 4, and 8, depending on each class's schedule. Music will be on days 2 and 6 and French will be on days 1, 3, 5, and 7. Your student's teacher will provide you with a more detailed schedule once the school years begins!

We are looking forward to a wonderful school year at HES! We know that each and every one of our students are successful and capable individuals. We will continue to model positive behaviours and relationships to our students and we are very dedicated to guiding and assisting each student in their academic and social-emotional journey.

We will continue to update the website as more information becomes available and as the school year progresses.

I can't wait to see all of the Hilden Elementary Stars on September 6th!

Alison Read

Principal, Hilden Elementary School

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